JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan telah memberikan izin perluasaan kawasan Ancol dan Dunia Fantasi atau Dufan seluas kurang lebih 155 hektar.
Izin ini mencakup perluasan kawasan Dufan kurang lebih 35 hektar dan kawasan rekreasi Taman Impian Ancol Timur seluas 120 hektar.
Tujuan dari reklamasi kawasan ancol ini menurut Gubernur Anies Baswedan antara lain untuk membangun pusat kegiatan wisata, upaya menyelamatkan Jakarta dari banjir, serta lahan bisa dimanfaatkan warga secara luas.
Anies Baswedan dalam video yang disiarkan di channel YouTube milik Pemprov DKI Jakarta juga mengatakan bahwa langkahnya ini berbeda dengan proyek reklamasi sebelumnya.
Anies menyebut apa yang dilakukannya juga untuk mengembangkan Ancol sebagai kawasan wisata.
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Bagi siapapun mereka yang gemar olahraga terutama yang suka renang maupun aktifitas lain yang berhubungan dengan air seperti mancing, berlayar, snorkeling hingga diving pasti mengenal permainan jet ski ini. Salah satu tipe permainan jet ski yang paling dominan adalah mengelilingi lautan maupun danau dengan bebas tanpa harus memikirkan apapun selain kesenangan
Perseroan memiliki komitmen tinggi dalam menjalankan seluruh aktivitas Perusahaan yang berpedoman pada aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Komitmen tersebut diwujudkan oleh Perseroan dalam program-program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dengan menggunakan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development).
Administrative village in Special Capital City District of Jakarta, Indonesia
Ancol (Dutch: Antjol, Chinese: 安恤) is a coastal lowland area located to the east of Kota Tua Jakarta in northern Jakarta, in Indonesia. The coastal lowland stretched from Kota Tua Jakarta to the west and Tanjung Priok to the east. Today, Ancol contains the main beach resort of Jakarta. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, the largest integrated tourism area in Southeast Asia, is located in Ancol.
Following the independence of Indonesia, Ancol was made one of the administrative village (kelurahan) of Pademangan Subdistrict in North Jakarta. The administrative village Ancol is bounded by Jakarta Bay to the north, Sunda Kelapa harbour to the west and Kali Japat canal to the east.
The Administrative Village of Ancol has a postal code of 14430.
The name Ancol refers to a river located around 3 km east of Sunda Kelapa harbour, and the area surrounding it. The mouth of the Ancol river was located where the area of Putri Duyung Cottage now located. The area surrounding the Ancol river was a coastal lowland, characterized with brackish bodies of water, mangrove forests and swamps.
The earliest mention of Ancol was in Koropak 406, a palm leaf manuscript written in the 16th century. It stated the attempt of the Sultanate of Banten, Cirebon, and Demak to siege Sunda Kelapa, and that the area of Ancol is considered one of the strategic place to attack the Sunda Kelapa harbour:
Arrival of the Europeans
When the Portuguese arrived in the late 16th century, the Hindu Sunda Kingdom of Pakuan Pajajaran welcomed their arrival and hoped that the Portuguese would protect them from the attack by the Islamic Sultanate of Banten, Demak, and Cirebon. Despite their alliance, the three sultanates, under the leadership of Fatahillah, managed to defeat both the kingdom of Pakuan Pajajaran and the Portuguese by attacking the port from the east area coastal area of Ancol. Sunda Kelapa was renamed into Jayakarta.
Later in the 17th century, the ruler of Jayakarta was defeated by the Dutch. The town was completely eradicated and a new fortified city, Batavia, was developed on the east bank of the Ciliwung. To control the water of Batavia, a system of canals were constructed to connect the canals of Batavia with nearby river: the Angke and the Ancol. The canal which connects Batavia with Ancol was named Antjolschevaart (Dutch "Ancol Canal"), has been established by 1650.[2] Several forts and batteries were established to protect these canals, such as the Sconce Zouteland (Dutch "saline water") guarding the point where Ancol Canal meet River Ancol,[3] which would later be upgraded into Fort Ancol in the 18th century. By the end of the 18th century, two batteries guarded the mouth of River Ancol, Slingerland to the east, Zeelucht to the west.[4] Resort houses, such as the house of Adriaan Valckenier, were built along the Ancol Canal as a beach resort.[5] The coastal area to the east bank of Ancol River, named Slingerland or Sanggerlang (now Ancol residential area), was a popular destination for the elites. The Chinese temple Da Bo Gong, built in 1650, was among the first building constructed in Ancol.
During the course of the 19th century, the old Batavia was gradually abandoned in favour of the much healthier and cleaner Weltevreden. During the period, Ancol remained undeveloped.[6]
With the construction of a new port in Tanjung Priok in the late 19th century, the 200-year-old Ancol Canal was extended to reach Tanjung Priok. A new railway line was established along the Ancol Canal, connecting Batavia N.I.S. station with Tanjung Priok station.[7] Despite the introduction of these new infrastructure, the area of Ancol remained devoid of any urban development.
During the Japanese occupation, the swampy area of Ancol was used as a field of execution and mass grave for those who opposed the Japanese troops, mainly the Dutch. These victims were later reburied in a new cemetery on the coast of Ancol, Ancol War Cemetery, inaugurated on September 14, 1946. The cemetery, also known as the "cemetery of the executed", contains more than 2,000 victims of execution during the Japanese occupation, many of whom are unknown. Because of its proximity to the coast, the cemetery is threatened by seawater flooding.[8]
In 1960, Ancol remained undeveloped, mosquito-infested swamps and fish ponds. President Sukarno, known for initiating many monumental projects in Jakarta, would propose the idea of reclaiming the swamps and converting them into Jakarta's largest recreation and entertainment centre. This idea was finally initiated in 1965, an idea that opposed the first idea of developing Ancol into an industrial area.
The development was started during the governance of Ali Sadikin, the governor of Jakarta in 1966. The entertainment complex was named Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. The first facility was the Bina Ria Ancol beach, best known for its drive-in theater especially during the 1970s. The Dunia Fantasi theme park was built in 1984. Today, the 552 hectare recreation area is known as the Ancol Jakarta Bay City, contains hotels, cottages, beaches, a theme park, traditional market places, an oceanarium, a golf field and a marina, and Jakarta International e-Prix Circuit.
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6°07′45″S 106°50′00″E / 6.129121°S 106.833350°E / -6.129121; 106.833350
Rating & Review Dufan Ancol
131 Review tentang Dufan Ancol
Terapkan Harga Khusus Untuk Anak dan Lansia
Harga tiketnya nya terlalu mahal untuk anak anak dan lansia, tolong diberikan harga khusus agar bisa menikmati Area Dufan yang bagus meskipun tidak menaiki wahana
Saya suka disuruh tmnin naik allap alap sama tmn sya saya pusing 7 keliling ok min
cinta bgt alap alap, semoga jalannya dipanjangin lagi yeaa, loveu alap alap
teman saya main alap alap mulu, pusing saya, tolong dihapus min alap alap nya
wisata yg ku kunjungi dari orok hingga dewasa ini
dari kecil udh diajak ortu main kesini, dulu th 2000an first time kedufan di umur 4/5th, aku inget bgt waktu itu pas aku baru sampe, banyak bgt badut2/parade pagi pas aku dateng, jujur aku awalnya takut badut wkwk. itu sih kenangan yg masi kecil yg paling aku inget sampe skrg. dan seterusnya aku udh sklh, sampe skrg aku udh kerja dan udh dewasa, dufan tetep jadi tempat wisata yg selalu aku andalkan untuk berlibur sma org2 yg aku sayang:) jaya terus dufan!!!